Crewe TV Channel 2

Crewe TV Channel 2

ADMIN: HERE ARE THE RULES, try to adhere to them if possible, if not, there are thousands of other pages to try when you inevitably get banned. smile emoticon -Blocking of Admin is not permitted. -Unnecessary use of expletives/foul language will not be tolerated. -Racist/Xenophobic "hate speech" will not be tolerated. -Aggression/Hate speech towards members of the page will not be tolerated. -Excessive use of "memes" (unless hilarious) will not be tolerated. smile emoticon -Keep posts "relevant" to Crewe area, this may include topics (globally/nationally) that could potentially affect us as a whole, and are open to debate. Warnings will be given "in thread" followed by removal of comments/inbox warnings, flagrant disregard of the rules will result in an instant ban/block. -Selling or Wants ads are not allowed including and ESPECIALLY animals of any kind (local business - see below) -Do not make a habit of deleting posts as you are wasting other members time by inviting comments and debate. Please contact Admin before deleting a complete post. Continual deletion of posts without authority will cause the member to be banned. The rules are subject to change and update at any point. ADMIN: In the spirit of promoting local businesses and events in the Crewe area, please feel free to promote ACTUAL businesses on this page (Not second hand good selling as an example) but please try to limit the posts to ONCE A WEEK, as we don't wish the page to become a "selling page" also if the event is of great importance maybe it could be "pinned" Admin dependent... Many thanks.

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