MA English literature n linguistics

MA English literature n linguistics

Respected members! This group is solely dedicated to the study of English literature, language and linguistics. Your efforts contributing to main cause are commendable. I request you all that whatever you gain from the group share with other students, especially those who desperately need help in their study and don't have an access to the group. Spreading the knowledge will increase your treasure of knowledge. notes r saved in group files. there's a lot of discussion. to see discussions use search bar. sir ata have prepared notes and recorded his classroom lectures for the benefit of every student. Audio recordings are integrated with the notes uploaded in the group files. You can get maximum benefit from them once you listen to them along with respective notes. Remember one thing, No-one has demanded money from you in order to provide you these things. I am sure you will not commercialize them. Help all the needy students. Allah Almighty will reward you. most of the sudents dont know how to use options in a group. in the main page, we have seen options of 1. discussion 2. members 3. events 4. photos 5. files 6. search (in front of file option there is a search bar ) most important are : 5*files a n d *search bar in files option all notes r given through search bar you can search discussion on any drama poet like Chaucer Blake even find discussion by typing any admin name, like "Asma sheikh" type Chaucer you will see all discussion related to Chaucer type any group member name you will see all posts of him moreOver I have uploaded all audio lectures in group file by sir Atta Ur Rahman Jadoon . to listen them you have to download them by group files.

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