Nexus Paradox (The Database)

Nexus Paradox (The Database)

NEXUS PARADOX (THE DATABASE) is a group that is an open forum. We allow most topics to be brought up. We only have 10 rules so please read them. This group acts as a provocateur. This means we do not limit the posting of religious views, political views, memes, shit posting, dark humor, controversial humor, trolling, or topical discussion on current events or past events. INSTA – BAN RULES NO PORN: This includes Hentai, Yaoi, Yuri, Child Porn, Pedo Bait. If Child Porn is posted we will be contacting the proper authorities. NO ANIMAL CRUELTY: No posts or pictures depicting humans subjecting an animal to pain or suffering NO THREATS: Legitimate threats will be banned and the proper authorities will be contacted. This includes Death Threats and Suicide Threats. If you feel the need to speak to someone do not hesitate and call: 1800-273-TALK (8255) WARNING RULES NO ADVERTISEMENT: You will need permission for any form of advertisement. You are only allowed to share once a week any duplicates will be removed NO ATTENTION WHORING: This includes "Add Me's" ,"Roast Me's", "Selfies" and if we think of more we will add them. We will also keep an attention whore page up at all times. NO SPAMMING: Duplicate post and comments will be removed no question as necessary if spam continues past warning a ban will be in place. NO HARASSMENT: Banter is ok but when it gets to a point where it goes too far you will be warned if continued you will be banned. This is only for real harassment common criticism will not be seen as harassment nor will profanity or banter. SPOILER TAG: When posting on spoilers please use a spoiler tag to hide the spoiler. NO LOOPHOLING: Intentionally trying to loophole an existing rule may result in your removal depending on the severity of your actions. If you’d like to discuss a potential loophole feel free to PM an admin. FINAL SAY: What Admins and mods say go. If you want to contest an admin or mod you may message the owner who has complete final say. Proof is essential to make a case.

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