TEAM ICON Fitness Community

TEAM ICON Fitness Community

Welcome to the TEAM ICON Fitness COMMUNITY!!! This is a private group where we all support, motivate, and keep each other accountable on our fitness journeys. The goal of this community based group is for everyone to become a better version of the person that you stare at in the mirror on a daily basis. This is not a group based on competition, this is TEAM ICON. We want to see people grow as people and together we will make that happen. You can post your Workouts (1 point) and your Meal Choices (1 point) Monday - Friday for PRIZES drawings every weekend. ******************************************** We like to keep it fun and simple. The only rules are: -Keep your mouth Clean -Your clothes on -Treat each member of the community in a respectful manner. -Each admin reserves the right to remove any post at anytime if they feel it does not follow the community guidelines *****Legal Disclaimer: You should get a physician's approval before beginning this or any new nutrition, diet or exercise program. All information and tools presented in this plan are intended for educational purposes. While we strongly believe that the recommendations in this plan can work for you, each person is unique and has different limitations and dietary needs. Any health, diet or exercise advice in this plan/ group is not intended as medical diagnosis or treatment. If you think you have any type of medical condition you must seek professional advice even if you believe it may be due to diet, food or exercise before beginning this plan. Consult with your physician to make sure that this plan is appropriate for you and your specific goals and needs. This plan should not replace prescriptions or medications prescribed by your physician. This plan is not intended for individuals under the age of 18 years, pregnant or breast feeding women, underweight individuals or people with eating disorders or any health condition that requires a special diet. If you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, are overweight, or have any other health concerns, please complete a full physical examination and discuss any nutritional changes with your physician or registered dietitian. When starting out this plan, we urge individuals to start slowly and gradually. If you experience discomfort, distress or any other symptom while doing this plan, please do not continue and seek medical help.

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